Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from
The article "Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe" by Annette Lamb attempts to find a definition of "reading" and "books" that includes the many new kinds of reading activities and materials that have become increasingly popular among children, adults, and classrooms. The term "reading" is redefined as "constructing meaning from symbols." This allows not only text, but graphics, sounds, and movements to be considered reading as well. The term "books" is redefined as "published collection of related pages or screens," which includes computerized books and books made to be read on tablets, iPads, or smart phones. Lamb goes on to describe some of the benefits of computerized books, such as the ability to have words or phrases played aloud from the computer or tablet, helping children with pronunciation, virtual bookmarking, visual aids, and learning activities to accompany the reading lesson. Lamb explains that such methods of reading would benefit children in the classroom, and that teachers would not have to rearrange their curriculum to add this technology, but simply decide which tools would go best with their existing lessons.
Q. How would computerized books and reading on tablets or iPads help engage students who claim they don't like reading printed books?
A. Transmedia reading includes many tools to engage students that printed books do not. Audio to supplement the reading, graphics, videos, and learning activities are some of the things that commonly accompany e-books and help keep students engaged.
Q. What kinds of disadvantages, if any, to transmedia reading exist?
A. While all of the supplemental audio and visual aids can help students engage in their lessons, some students my be distracted. Also, different learning preferences need to be taken into consideration. Some students may not retain information read on a tablet or a computer as well as if they were to read it in a regular book. Students may feel they are more engaged when reading a book and taking handwritten notes. Transmedia reading has lots of advantages and is great in many respects, but it should not be considered a perfect system, as individual needs and preferences need to be taking into consideration.